4 steps to build a DIY fire pit in your backyard
How to build a DIY fire pit in 4 steps in your backyard - including the preparation and considerations in Auckland New Zealand.

Five things to consider when buying a ride-on lawn mower
Living in the Matakana and Auckland area, you can admit that mowing the lawn can become a task, and the bigger the yard, the more you wonder whether doing it yourself is worth it. This blog looks at five things to consider when buying a ride-on mower.

Clever ways to create indoor outdoor flow
New Zealanders love the outdoors. We're blessed with some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world. So when it comes to making changes in your home, creating indoor to outdoor flow is always top of the renovation list. Here are our tips – from simple budget-friendly to luxe options to transform your indoor outdoor flow.

How to fix a gravel driveway
Laying a gravel driveway is an easy, attractive and affordable option, especially over costly concrete, asphalt or paving methods. The only downside are the potholes that can develop, especially after periods of heavy rain fall – which, in New Zealand, is quite often!

How to build a Dry Creek Bed
When you think of drainage, the first things that come to mind are probably pipes, grates and gutters. All quite ugly but necessary, right?
Well drainage solutions don't always have to be ugly! Why not consider creating a Dry Creek Bed, also known as an Open Drain.

Introducing the Bobcat/Skid Steer - Tracked
When you have a lot of dirt to move, our Skid Steer Loader - Tracked is the perfect tool to get the job done.

Drainage Tips for Winter Wetness
Getting your property winter-ready is an essential part of life in rural New Zealand. Here are our top tips for sorting out your drainage ready for the winter wet season.

Why your garden needs PEAT!
Peat and Top Soil are an amazing combination for your garden.
Here are some of the amazing benefits of peat for your garden.
Have you found yourself planning your next outdoor project, only to realise that it's going to take more than just a shovel, wheelbarrow and some elbow grease?

A gravel driveway is recommended for rural properties north of Auckland, where it’s been known to rain… a bit… sometimes!